Friday, January 20, 2012

Becoming...A listener

Lord, I'm listening...

My plans for the past 3 days has been to blog about my garden, other things keep coming to mind instead.  Today it was the events from lunch. 

For several months, maybe even a year or more, I have been praying, Lord help me to not be so busy and caught up in "me" that I miss those hurting and in need around me.  I have really been trying to take the time to be more sensitive, and to just hush and listen to the Lord.  He doesn't want us to be the one always talking! Remember, my thought for the year is "becoming." Becoming me, becoming an inspiration to others, becoming who God wants me to be.  He has a plan for me!

Several times over the last 6 months I have been sensitive to what I felt the Lord was telling me to do.  Every time I did what I felt like I needed to do, I saw no results(isn't that so typical of us).  After many heart to heart talks, and soul searching, I realized we may never see in this life the fruits of our labor, but I was obedient, and willing and did what I felt God wanted me to do.  Today at lunch was no exception.  We were eating at this tiny little"dinner" when an older gentleman walked in.  The staff seemed to know him by name, and I couldn't take my eyes off him.  He did not even have his jacket off when the Lord started tapping me on the shoulder, "get his ticket" over and over.  I knew my husband would support me, he knows how I am about money.  So I leaned up and whispered to my husband to ask his waitress for his ticket in private.  Before the gentleman's food arrived, he had to go to the restroom, while he was there, here came his food and his ticket.  As his waitress set his food down, my husband reached over and took his ticket off the table.  The waitress just looked at him, it was so cute, he said, "I want that."  We asked her to not say anything, we weren't doing this for glory, only for His Glory!    He got up to pay when he was finished with his meal, the owner came looking for his ticket, all the while we have a front row seat...John, he said, your ticket's been taken care of.  Now anyone that truly knows me, knows how emotional I am.  I cry at anything, actually, I'm crying typing this story...You will be proud, I made it without crying in the restaurant!  As my husband was paying both of the tickets, the owner said I saw what you did, God's going to bless you for that! 

In a sense maybe I should not publicly share this story, I'm not tooting our horn, patting our backs, I'm sharing with you my story, of "becoming."  You never know where I'm going from one post to the other, but they are always from the heart.

I want to be an inspiration to others, a listening ear, a caring friend, a praying mom...
for I am...Becoming...

1 comment:

  1. I too am on this mission. I want to have more "Dorito" moments. I will have to explain that one the next time we chat.
    P.S. I added a link to you on my side bar.
