Thursday, January 26, 2012

Meet the staff...

So I downloaded a cute little app for my phone that of course does not compare to Instagram, but will suffice.  I wanted to be able to just snap some candid shots and put them on my blog. 
Since starting this blog I haven't taken the time to introduce you to the staff here @ City Girlz, so without further ado...

Diezel with his winter beard!

One of the "new girls"


Pipsqueek and Shorty

All of the misfits, notice the sleeping child underneath


Zoe, the porch cat!
Of course this isn't everyone, and there are many more to come in the next few weeks, 152 more to be exact! These are just the paid staff, the "volunteers/children" will be featured on another slow day!

Thanks for joining me on the journey!


  1. Pure Cuteness, but I can't help asking...What in the world is Stella?

  2. Believe it or not you aren't the first one to ask that question! She is a Japanese Silkie...a "fancy" chicken who is more like a pet who follows us around.

  3. Your blog is educational as well as entertaining!

    1. It will be very educational in the spring. Hoping my garden will do well and hatching babies to photograph!
