Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Becoming...a goal reacher!

I know that title sounds stupid, but I'm already a goal setter, now it's time to reach them!
So, here is my disclaimer today: WARNING the following post is a serious one, honest, open and very real! No perfect pictures to post of my fairy tale perfect life, just blood and guts honest truth! Ok, so that was a bit dramatic, but I do have a dramatic side! Lol
The following statement was not a reflection on any of you dear friends...I love you one and all!

Anyways, on to my subject!
The last several weeks I have been guest speaking/helping in one of our church's youth classes. That in itself is an honor, but a role I take very serious. Of all we have talked about, every lesson seemed to smack me right between the eyes. I'm suppose to be helping teach, when in an essence I am preaching to myself!

Well the topic the last few weeks has been about self worth, self image, self esteem. Things I wish growing up leaders would have talked to us about, because now as a 30+ adult, I still struggle with on a daily basis. One statement the youth leader made that really caught my attention was the one thing you put off the most is almost always the "big thing" in your life. Boy was he ever right! I wish it was just one thing in my life. So I made a list. I'm really being brutally honest with you. Here are my 3 "big things"

1. My weight
2. My house
3. My spiritual relationship

Here's my problem, I am a perfectionist and over the years have learned that I am the type that if I can't see immediate results I stop, or give up. I may be super motivated and then that's it. I've really struggled lately with not being able to complete any task, and that is even more discouraging.

So as a hands on part of the lesson, the youth did work sheets, and they had to name one big thing they wanted to do. Wether it was a goal or something they wanted to learn, do or change. Then we went over these steps:

1. What values will govern what I want to accomplish?
2. What is happening today, what's going on around me now?
3. What would my new system look like?
4. Set your goals.
5. Do it!

So I have taken my first step and naming my big things, now to go through with each one and follow these steps, to help create successful steps!

Happy journey this week, in becoming what you desire to do and be. Thank you for joining me in my journey, to..."become."

1 comment:

  1. You've got to stop reading my mind! LOL
    I think we have way too much in common for this to be a coincidence.
    I often feel that I am talking to myself when I teach the ladies in the prison ministry. I also need a boost in finishing the million projects that I start.
    I'm right there with ya sis.
    One foot in front of the other...
    we're gonna make it.
